Tuesday, June 13, 2006




Friday, June 09, 2006



Well it has been a real hard rough week. I had to make decisions that will affect me for the rest of my life. Even though I am believing God still for my marriage. I had to do the D word this week. It has been a very painful year and a half. I am married but have been living single for the past year and half. I know that God is a BIG God and I know he can work no matter how your circumstances turn. I feel like I need to heal from the pain and the only way at this point to heal was to go ahead and divorce. I did this past Monday June 5, 2006. It was very difficult for me to do this because I am still so in love with Rafael. I didnt want to do this. I knew I had to heal and felt like there was not other way at this point. I still know God is BIGGER and He can even work through this decision that I had to make. God is a God of restoration. Please continue to pray for Rafael. He needs much deliverance. Please continue to pray for me as well that I might heal and be able to go forth in the things of God and His Will for my life.

Sunday, June 04, 2006



I have an ebay store now. Check it out. Nurstracers Treasures is the name of my store, no apostrophes, just like it is written.
Love you all



Wow!! It has been a busy month. I got back off of vacation my laptop needed some repairs so I am on a borrowed one. I worked 3 days and I am no longer with Pizza King. OHHH what a relief it has been. I am now at Gerontes pizza temporarily. I am looking for a long term position, still considering going back to Florida. I would love to attend WITHOUT WALLS INTERNATIONAL CHURCH on a regular basis. I will send post some of my vacation pictures. I got to go and see Rafaels family, not him but his sister and brother and the kids, Paciano and Meraya, who are my babies. I love those kids. There is still no sign of Rafael. I did post some of the pictures of the conference I went to there in Tampa , WOW, what refreshing, in a much needed time and season in my life. I then came home and was here a week and took a weekend trip to Gatlinburg with the family, as in church family. It was a real relaxing time. I then came home on that Sunday to greet Rafaels sister and kids Paciano and Meraya(my babies). They had come up from Florida to see Diana Francisco graduate high school. YEA, YEA What an accomplishment for her. I am so proud of her. She is Paciano and Merayas oldest sister. Now all is quiet or is it? Oh no, please pray for me , cause I really dont want a divorce but he has been MIA for 1 and 1/2 years that is double the time we were together. My final hearing is on this Monday at 8am. Please pray for me. I dont know what I will end up doing at this point. I am casting all my care upon Christ and trying to stay out of the anxiety ring. Anyway I will be posting soon some pictures of these 2 adorable children, Paciano and Meraya the computer I am on is having troubles with the pictures. Hey Kristina, it was great seeing you again at the graduation. Miss you.

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